On Tour:
Al Di Meola Acoustic Trio

Combining passion, intelligence and outstanding technique in music, Al Di Meola is one of the most prominent virtuosos and most influential guitarists in the contemporary instrumental jazz field. Each concert is a true highlight! In conjunction with The Kurland Agency
Available / On Tour:
Open Dates: May 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 + May 15, 16, 17 (2023)
Michel Camilo

A pianist of tremendous technique and agility, Camilo's mixture of his native Caribbean rhythms with traditional jazz harmony enthrals audiences all over the world. In cooperation with Sandra Camilo, Artist Management, Redondo Music (USA).
Available / On Tour:
July, August, October, November 2023 & April, May 2024
Steve Turre

One of the world's preeminent jazz innovators, trombonist and seashellist Steve Turre will tour Europe in 2016! In cooperation with: The Management Ark, Princeton, NJ, USA
Available / On Tour:
June, July, October, November 2023
Changes of the Website Structure:
Version History
V 4.36 - Jun/26/2011
Fix: Minor Metatag adjustments. Some tags were no longer valid in HTML5.
Fix: Language improvements. German parts are now indicated as such.
Fix: Improvements to the automatic site length calculation.
Fix: Automatic newsletter subject adjustment.
V 4.35 - Apr/16/2011
Fix: Display problem on Main Page when the Featured Artist text was too long.
Fix: Long pages caused bottom bar problems. Now automatic adjustment.
Fix: The bottom bar had display problems when artist names were too long.
Fix: There were some bugs in displaying the title of video in jukebox.
Fix: There was a bug in the menu when viewed with Internet Explorer 6
Fix: Newsletter images were given an incorrect ALT-Name
Fix: There was a vertical misplacement of the right column of the OnTour page
V 4.34 - Feb/08/2011
New feature: Video jukebox displays artist related videos on top.
Fix: Website width has been slightly reduced for better support of smaller screens.
Fix: PDFs are now also included in the Sitemap.xml
Fix: Improvements on the downloads page.
Fix: Download Page adapted for mobile usage.
Fix: Corrected an error with short rosters which caused display problems.
Fix: Artist pages with a single video were not HTML5 valid. Now they are.
Fix: Bold text is now also automatically bold in newsletters.
V 4.33 - Jan/23/2011
New feature: Newsletter redesign including a new grey bottom bar.
New feature: Piwik campaigns added for newsletters.
Fix: There was a problem with horizontal scrolling
Fix: There was a problem with the menu breaking in small windows
Fix: There was a problem with huge file lists in the promoters' section
Fix: Privacy policy side did not have a proper meta description of its own.
Fix: Piwik improvements for downloads.
Fix: There was a display problem on iPads
Fix: Video jukebox and individual enquiry page now correctly displayed on mobile devices.
V 4.32 - Jan/15/2011
New feature: The Promoters' Section gets a proper design. All downloadable files can be accessed through a single php file.
Fix: General download improvements making it possible to download with the left mouse button.
Fix: Piwik script improvements for error pages.
Fix: Piwik script improvements for downloads.
Fix; Minor changes to the downloads page
V 4.31 - Jan/06/2011
New feature: Added 'Piwik' open source web statistics.
New feature: Added a seperate privacy policy page.
New feature: Proper error pages (401, 403, 404, 500).
Fix: Updated the legal info page.
Fix: Small adjustments to the page length on some pages.
Fix: The Border of the Octave button is now generated via CSS.
Fix: The Octave button on the main page disturbed the 'Special Feature' artist link and the first 'On Tour' artist link. Detecting and following the link was more difficult than it should be.
V 4.30 - Dec/30/2010
New feature: Introduction of a video jukebox page.
New feature: Introduction of a downloads page.
New feature: Introduction of a visible HTML sitemap in the bottom bar.
New feature: Redesign of the bottom bar in a darkish grey colour.
New feature: The Promoters' Section gets a proper entry page.
New feature: A new link on all artist pages to the Promoters' Section.
Fix: Improved the page importance ranking in the XML sitemap.
Fix: A broken unsubscription link on artist roster newsletters was repaired.
Fix: Input form on the mail us page was enlarged.
V 4.21 - Dec/17/2010
New feature: Introduction of an automatic XML sitemap.
Fix: Some improvements to the menu making its width more flexible.
Fix: The large image was removed from the version history page.
Fix: Improved Compatibility for Opera Mini on Smartphones.
Fix: Updated the titles avoiding identical title tags.
Fix: Metatags were updated including better keywords.
Fix: Individual meta description tags for artist pages.
Fix: Added "canonical link" metatags for all apges.
Fix: Added metatags "date" for all pages.
Fix: Added correct "alt" tags for all images.
Fix: Added "h" tags for headlines on all pages.
V 4.20 - Dec/13/2010.
New feature: We have introduced a new mobile version of our website. The mobile version uses a different css file and is automatically displayed when the pages are viewed on devices with small screens (e.g. smartphones)
New feature: All code is valid HTML5 according to the W3C Consortium.
New feature; Javascript is no longer needed to display our website correctly.
New feature: The Javascript menu was replaced by a css only menu.
New feature: The Javascript email protection was replaced by a different protection method.
Fix: Improved positioning of the octave button which was misplaced on large screens.
Fix: YouTube Videos did not work on iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad). Now these devices are fully supported.
V 4.13 - Sep/23/2010
Fix: Youtube links were missing in the newsletter emails after some changes to the script earlier this year. Now they are back.
Fix: Pdf-infosheets did not get updated in the past weeks. The update function was accidentally switched off. Now it is turned on again.
Fix: Minor changes to the text on the artist roster pages.
V 4.12 - Aug/17/2010
New feature: A copy of all the current pdf-infosheets will now automatically be placed in the artistinfos folder of the Promoters' Section with each website update.
New feature: The yellow colour of the logo appeared too light and sharply on Mac OS X computers. We therefore changed the colour scheme introducing a new yellow and a slightly darker blue in the logo and menu. The favicon also had to be updated.
V 4.11 - May/19/2010
New feature: A new standard font! Arial replaces Verdana as the main font on all pages. Verdana was in use since the release of Version 3 in 2002!
New feature: The script behind the website now gets an automatic backup each time the website is updated.
Fix: There was a small display problem with page breaks in the pdf-infosheets which has now been fixed.
V 4.10 - Apr/30/2010
New feature: A new automatically generated pdf-infosheet is now available for each artist. It replaces the zip-file download on the artist page which contained a copy of the image (jpg) and the page text (txt). The new pdf-infosheet features line-up, biography, discography and a copy of the image.
New feature: The date of the last page update at the bottom of each page now shows the true date of the last page modification and not only the date of the last website update in general.
New feature: Links now appear underlined when the cursor hovers over them.
Fix: Added a missing link to the newsletter page from the newsletter block of the start page.
Fix: Update of the Impressum (Legal Notice). Missing information about the newsletter service, booking enquiries and the contact form was added.
Fix: Minor adjustments for Google Chrome and Chromium browsers.
V 4.03 - Feb/11/2010
Fix: A minor font update due to display problems in some browsers.
Fix: Menu height adjusted for Internet Explorer 8.
V 4.02 - Oct/25/2009
Fix: A bug with the '&' sign in the menu and the tour lists was fixed.
Fix: The Octave button was readded to the main page.
Fix: Left and right column on the Special Tour Offers page were mixed up. New offers now appear in the left column.
V 4.01 - Jul/14/2009
New feature: Nova Concerts Favicon
Fix: The website is now compatible to Gnome's Epiphany web browser.
Fix: Tourlist explanations are now showing the correct tour dates.
Fix: All artist jpgs appeared doubleframed. The extra frame has now been removed.
Fix: The artist name on the artist pages now appears a little bit smaller in size.
Fix: The Special Tour Offers had a minor display bug not leaving enough padding space in the left column. The bug has been corrected.
V 4.00 - Jun/27/2009
Release of version 4

New feature: Complete website redesign. Larger font-sizes & photos. Modern look.
New feature: Usage of xHTML instead of HTML.
New feature: Prefered usage of cascading style sheets (CSS).
New feature: All code is valid xHTML and valid CSS according to the W3C Consortium.
New feature: Promoters' section added to the Service Menu providing downloadable artist information for promoters (password protected).
V 3.31 - Dec/02/2008
Fix: Changed links to Version History, Contact and Legal Notice in order to open the pages in the same browser tab rather than in a new one.
V 3.30 - Nov/31/2008
New feature: Complete redesign of the bottom bar including a Version History as a new feature to keep track on recent changes to the website structure.
Fix: Changed font size of the image subtitle in contact.html and mailus.php
V 3.21 - Nov/15/2008
Fix: Website positioning improved for the Internet Explorer.
V 3.20 - Oct/09/2008
New feature: Youtube video support added to the artist pages.
V 3.10 - March/13/2008
New feature: Small changes to the design. Includes banning of small font-sizes.
V 3.00 - Sep/15/2002
Release of version 3

V 2.00 - Aug/15/2000
Release of version 2

V 1.00 - Nov/01/1999
Release of version 1